What the heck is this?
The two ceramic pots on the right are some of the cats I have made in my ceramics class. Note the one on the right as it relates to the pictures above and below....
This could be of those "what is this" photos......I guess they are some sort of insect eggs, laid right in the middle of the picture window in the bedroom. The pattern they made looks a lot like my cat in a boot pot!
Siesta time, do not disturb.

Best to stay in. This was the temperature at 10:00 a.m., it's the middle of April, come on!!!! Those who know, say this will only last a few days, phew.......
Hope you are having more Springtime weather than we are, all my little flowers are wilting and burning in this Santa Ana condition. Sigh.
I now I should be doing a million other things today, I did manage some chores already, but now, it's siesta time, I can just do more chores in my head for the rest of the day, then double up tomorrow when it will be cooler. Procrastination is my specialty, then I make quick work of it after I've made a master plan!
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