Not being experienced with this fascinating craft, I just threw them in the washer on hot water, and they shrunk over 50%, aren't they cute looking? Anyway, I washed them twice, then dried on hot and now they show no weave and are felted, supposedly they will not ravel when cut into pieces. I'm trying a slipper set for the brown one...a combination of sewing and crocheting techniques...and what to do with all those arms I will be cutting off??? I'm very afraid of cutting them yet....I think I need some more inspirational ideas, but at least I already have all the materials on hand now......I want to do some silk ribbon embroidery on the pieces, I have a lot of silk ribbon and I love making pretty flowers.
The more proper term for this process is called "fulling", making felt out of already woven or knitted fabric; but a more modern version using the washer and dryer. "Felting" is done to fibers making them into fabric, and is actually the oldest form of fabric known to humankind, predating weaving and knitting...fur has directional scales and kinks and when agitated and rubbed together, join and shrink up into a strong fabric........I can already tell you that I see a trip in my not-to-distant future to Joanne's to buy a felting kit. I've seen this done on TV and can't wait to make some felt.
As for the old sweaters, next time, I will first cut off any zippers, so they will shrink more evenly, and enclose them in a pillow case before placing them in the washer; there was a lot of shedding! Also, I have been reading more about felting/fulling and some reports say that as long as the fabric is at least 80% animal fur, if should felt. I need to find a lightweight one for embellishments........I would love a cashmere or angora one.......thrift shops look out, I'm coming......
I know how I'll spend the next rainy day here in paradise.....
Make that sunny day! It is going to be in the 100's today in paradise, so I added this bounty of supplies to my felted sweaters. Miss Kitty took to them right away so I have to wait till she moves off to inspect them.
Good time to go make more kimchi pancakes....then I will have some sort of project done with felting before the day is done!
Miss Kitty approaching my bounty with keen interest
Immediately plops down and sniffs everything
Liking the wool packages, good biting material
I think I'll stay here awhile longer....
Three hours later.........
Cut the collar and sleeves off the felted brown sweater, sewn together with silk ribbon and embellished with a round cut-out felted by needle felting tools and sewn on with more silk ribbon. Very ametuer for first attempt, but I think it's kinda cute and I want to learn more.
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