Apple wood smoked thick-sliced bacon from Trader Joe's. Five pieces, placed on large paper plate.
Cover it with a paper towel, microwave for one minute per slice, I do it at 90% power, then check, give it another minute if not crisp enough.

I wanted some simple and quick meals for our weekend. I decided to thaw and marinate some sirloin steaks, I had easy salad makings and some fresh corn on the cob sounded good, so that's what we did.....
We went into this weekend with great excitement, eagerly awaiting the opening of the San Diego Charger's football season.....we knew couldn't watch the first pre-season NFL football game on TV....blacked out in our own city! But, we knew we could tape the delayed broadcast at 10:30p.m., and planned to watch the game Sunday morning, at our leisure. Of course, we had to take pains not to look at the paper or turn on any news since it's no fun to already know the outcome. Anyway, we meticulously made sure we could not see one thing about it until we could watch it, forgetting that I subscribe to local news feed, I opened my computer and saw a glimpse of the news headlines before I could avert my eyes.......I could not be sure of what I saw, so I quickly closed my laptop and let out a little scream, damn it!!! I thought I saw that we lost, but not sure, so pretended I saw nothing......we lost........20-14 against the Seattle Seahawks. Both teams made some good plays, but we kept throwing interceptions and missing big plays, so couldn't pull it out in the end. I know my family in Washington will be glad to have a first win! We enjoyed watching the game, commercial free, and I actually thought we could win in the end....anyway, it's only pre-season right?
It wasn't all bad sports-wise for San Diego, the Chula Vista Little League team won entry into the world series of Little League......off to Pennsylvania for the games...go Park View Little League!
Anyway, it was almost a perfect Sunday, cause this is what we ate:

scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, fresh-squeezed juice and fruit (melon and raspberries), and fresh-picked roses. Steve made the juice, two oranges, juiced, then mixed with cranberry juice, so, so good!
Miss Kitty getting into the act!

Marinated sirloin steaks, fresh corn on the cob, butter lettuce, and tomato salad, with iced-tea
I have discovered liquid smoke and have become addicted to it. The mesquite flavor.....that's what I marinated the meat in, for about 4 hours. Then, I just pat it day, season well with salt and pepper, pan broil for about 5 minutes per side. I can have lunch ready in 10 minutes...... We like to microwave the corn, shucked, in my steamer, for 5 minutes....try it, we like it just plain, no butter or salt!
We usually eat a late breakfast and late lunch on Sundays. We like to just have a little iced coffee, and a continental start to the day with a small muffin, small piece of pie, or a few cookies and some fruit! That's generally the only day of the week when we can enjoy all our meals together, so I try to make easy and tasty things, but not requiring a lot of kitchen time. Steve makes the iced tea while I prepare the meal. This gives us time to be together in the kitchen without bumping butts too much, just enough! It also give us time to relax and read the paper, do light chores together, take a walk, watch a movie, etc....
Then, after lunch, I can just load the diswasher, and not a lot of clean-up is required. Of course, Steve is a big help keeping the garbage out, rinsing dishes, etc....
After eating two big meals like that, we generally have a light "dinner" of cottage cheese and canned, sliced peaches. This is how we like to spend an almost perfect Sunday, here in paradise.