I wished at that point I could split into about five people, directing traffic, also the neighbor and landlady stopped by during the mess and I lost track of some of the stuff while trying to be polite, I'm still looking for that one special box that holds the remote controls....sigh.....nothing broken though and very successful move.
Then we went back to pick up Miss Kitty and assess our work ahead, the kitchen and garage were still needing some moving and packing, yuck.....

This is the new garage, totally packed with boxes, the interior of course got all the furniture and some boxes placed, and some of those boxes you see are already empty at least!
This is the new garage, totally packed with boxes, the interior of course got all the furniture and some boxes placed, and some of those boxes you see are already empty at least!
We got a call (on Easter weekend) from our homeowner, that she needed money and was going to sell her home. She was giving us 30 days to move. At first, we were upset and sad at the prospect of moving again after having just completed a major move just over one year ago. (Steve and I cleaned our my parent's almost 30 year old estate packed with stuff, of course family had cherry picked it over first, but A LOT of stuff remained, thank you Goodwill and Grossmont Hospital Thrift Korral for accepting so much STUFF. ) Even with that, we still have too much stuff, some remaining unpacked and boxed up.
After my initial reaction, I sobbed for awhile, then got over it and faced our prospects and plans with renewed energy and enthusiasm. We immediately started the search for a place. Of course, I looked up our rental rights and found that after a one year lease, the owner has to give 60 days notice, but we did not want to go through having realtors coming around, so negotiated with her that we would get it done in 30 days and she offered to give us a gift of $500.00 for doing so and promised no realtors.
Well, after a little searching, we were fortunate found a real gem that matched our criteria and even saves up a whopping $5.00 a month, and......comes with a gardener included. We were put through quite a scrutiny by the owners who have just lovingly restored this 1960's 3 bed/2 bath (one pink and one blue) home to the way her mother had it. They had been burned by their previous renters, an older couple who apparently caused a lot of damage by drinking and smoking all day, then fighting all night!
We passed muster and of course agreed to her terms of keeping things nice, which we would do anyway. We were finally able to put all my plans in motion. I approached it like a project manager and all plans after that went like clockwork and we completed the move by May 10, within the 30 days. We totally cleaned out our previous home, which was exhausting, but we done did it! Thank God we only moved one mile away. It is in Mom and Dad's old neighborhood, so we feel right at home here. It is beautiful here in Paradise.